Catching bull redfish on lures via the audio code (Video)

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Want to catch bull redfish with lures?

At times it can be challenging as the guys fishing with live and cut bait absolutely destroy the big reds in the late summer and early fall on the Texas coast.

But what if there is some information that can help you score on those monster reds using artificial? Would you use that information to gear up accordingly?

Of course you would.

Well, check this out….

For the first three years of their lives red drum live in the bays or in the surf zone near passes according to Texas Parks & Wildlife Department biologists.

“Evidence from tag returns show that they remain in the same area and generally move less than 3 miles from where they were tagged. As they mature, they move from the bays to the Gulf of Mexico where they remain the rest of their lives, except for infrequent visits to the bays. Although there is little evidence of seasonal migrations, anglers find concentrations of red drum in rivers and tidal creeks during the winter. Daily movement from the shallows to deeper waters is influenced by tides and water temperatures. During the fall, especially during stormy weather, large adult red drum move to the gulf beaches, possibly for spawning, where they can be caught from piers and by surf anglers. This is known as the “bull redfish run.”

Between the third and fourth year, the red drum reaches sexual maturity. Spawning season is from mid-August through mid-October in Gulf waters, near the mouths of passes and shorelines. Eggs incubate for 24 hours. Larvae are carried into tidal bays by the current. They move to quiet, shallow water with grassy or muddy bottoms to feed on detritus (dead or decomposing plant and animal matter). The oldest recorded red drum was 37 years old!

During spawning, red drum males attract females by producing a drum-like noise by vibrating a muscle in their swim bladder. They sometimes swim in water so shallow that their backs are exposed.

Check out the video and learn how to use the audio of redfish to your advantage.



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