
It started long ago…
April 7, 2014
Beautiful Jaguarundi (Photo)
April 15, 2014

A story in The Huffington Post on a Texas couple who say they caught an alleged “chupacabra” in a live trap caused a gigantic stir on social media last week. I got dozens of inquiries about the identity of the creature.

You can watch the video yourself by clicking here.

What do I think it is?

A raccoon. Yes, a simple raccoon.

Well, it does have a horrendous cause of mange but it is a coon without question and mercifully the couple chose to put the animal down. It was undoubtedly suffering terribly.

So, there you have it. The creature labeled as a “chupacabra” was one of the most common mammals in North America-a raccoon.

Chester Moore, Jr.

Source: Kingdom Zoo


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