Bass Does Not Want to be Released (Video)

Young Crossbow Hunter Bags Two Feral Hogs with One Shot
August 27, 2014
300 yard pistol shot
August 29, 2014

Chris Ellenburg was fishing in Lake Belton in Texas when the most peculiar thing happened to him: he caught a fish that didn’t want to be released. In this strange video Ellenburg tells that he attempted to release a white bass that he had caught when the fish decided it liked the angler’s hand better.

“He swam around me for a minute then between my feet. I reached down and he came up to my hand,” Ellenburg told GrindTV. “Then he swam off about 10 feet then swam back. After he had done it three times, I said to myself ‘nobody will ever believe this…’”

Read full story on Outdoor Hub


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