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Watch the Weather and Catch Fish in June

W HEN FISHING SABINE in June, for that matter the whole Texas coast, you need to prepare yourself for a few things. You need to prepare yourself for fishing in pretty green water with very hot temperatures and abundant sunshine.

You need to prepare yourself to tangle with a vast array of salt-loving species ranging from the Big Three to bluefish and black tip sharks.

You also need to prepare for the possibility of some very intense and dangerous thunderstorms. Those mid-morning and afternoon “popcorn” showers that have a knack for appearing out of nowhere are not nearly as cute and subtle as the name implies.

The fishing can be very hot in June, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the heat that some of these cuties are packing. The conditions can turn from the best ever, to “we better get out of here now” in a matter of minutes.


You have to be prepared to leave a good bite in a hurry to get out of harm’s way. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on the sky while fishing in the hot summer months. The good news is that you can see them building in the distance and usually have plenty of time to plan an evacuation route.

The key is making an early enough exit. Waiting too long can definitely spell trouble. If the temperature suddenly drops 10 degrees and you have whitecaps where there was barely a ripple just moments earlier, you have waited too long.

As far as the fishing is concerned, it’s just downright good on Sabine. South of the Causeway Bridge from the ship channel to the short rigs, anglers should have little problem scoring big numbers of trout, reds and flounder.

Topwaters and soft plastics should produce serious results. SkitterWalks and She-Dogs in pink, bone and black/chartreuse should do well early. Once the sun begins to penetrate, make the switch to a soft plastic.

Down south lures, Assassins and H&H Cocaho Minnows are all excellent choices. Lighter colors like Glow, Chartreuse, Limetreuse and Opening Night should produce best in the pretty water. If it’s a little off-color, try a darker color like Roach or Red Shad.

We simply work our way down the channel, hitting all the proven summertime spots. Goat Island, the LNG plant and Lighthouse Cove are good starting points. From there we work our way to the jetties or short rigs, where we usually don’t have any problem topping off the fish box.

Again, lighter colored soft plastics are the ticket in the pretty water. The same baits mentioned earlier will work well, as will D.O.A. Shrimp and Chrome/

Blue Rat-L-Traps. Don’t forget your Louisiana License if you plan on fishing anywhere on the east side of the channel. If you would rather hit the lake, you should have no problem locating fish on the eastern shoreline.

Throwing plastics rigged on ¼ or 1/8 ounce. lead heads from East Pass to Blue Buck Point should produce good results. D.O.A. Shrimp and Gulp! Shrimp under a popping cork with about 18 to 24 inches of leader will also get the job done. Also, be mindful of bird activity in the open bay behind you. Check the radar, keep an eye on the sky, and I’ll see you somewhere on Sabine.



Location: McFaddin Beach

Species: Speckled Trout

Baits/Lures: Topwaters, spoons, plastics, live shrimp

Best Times: Mornings and late afternoons


Email Eddie Hernandez at ContactUs@fishgame.com

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Roy Neves

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