
The Mysterious Mountain Goat (Video)

The mountain goat is one of the least appreciated and understood game animals in North America.

And that’s a shame since they are beautiful, unique and are one of the greatest hunting challenges to be found anywhere.

I recently came across this video from the Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance (RGMA). It gives a deep look at goat identification and how hunters can play an important role in mountain goat conservation.

The RGMA’s mission is to increase and enhance the management, range, and populations of goats across both native and suitable non-native North American habitats without negatively impacting native ungulates while educating the public of ongoing conservation projects and petitioning for the expansion of sustainable hunting opportunities across the continent.

Increase the use and utility of citizen-science efforts, increase scientific rigour in volunteer-led inventory projects.

  • Promote RMGA participation in volunteer support for research projects where practical
  • Develop guidance documents/ protocols to inform volunteer-driven population surveys/ inventories and on-the-ground conservation efforts
  • Investigate opportunities for RMGA to coordinate volunteer monitoring efforts

Support research projects on mountain goat habitats, populations, disease and other management issues through in-kind and/or financial support.Leverage contacts with post-secondary institutions, investigate opportunities for in-kind or direct support for goat-related research; Highlight the need and opportunity for greater focus on goats as a species requiring additional research focus.

  • Promote scholarship and professional development for students interested to mountain goat research and conservation, including facilitating student participation in the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council symposia, field projects and other opportunities.

Increase the availability of relevant science to support mountain goat conservation and management.

  • Enhance linkages with science-focused organizations involved in mountain goat management, including the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council, the Wild Sheep Foundation, and the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies; Work to enhance the interaction between the RMGA and scientists involved in goat research across state, provincial, federal jurisdictions.

For more information on the organization click here.

Chester Moore, Jr.

TFG Editorial

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