
What To Do When The Rut Is On

As I type this article my cell phone begins to ding.  I have messages from my deer hunting friends telling…

5 years ago

Whitetail Secrets of Cold Fronts and Texas Rut Dates

Whitetail movement increasing after cold fronts is a commonly held belief among hunters. But according to Ken Swenson of Swenson Whitetail…

8 years ago

Did You Know the Rut has Little to do With Bucks?

The rut in whitetail deer has some equally confusing terminology associated with it. There is a lot of talk about second and even third ruts…

8 years ago

Is the Whitetail Rut Happening Now?

Are whitetail in parts of Texas rutting right now? The answer might surprise you according to research from the Texas…

8 years ago