H.R. 4380: Game changing gun legislation?

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WASHINGTON, April 14, 2014 — There is a bill in Washington, quietly introduced by Steve Stockman, R-Texas, which has the potential to change the game on national gun politics. Of course there are many bills which sit idly on agendas, on committees, waiting to be read by those who could probably care less about its success or passage. All of these bills concerning firearm rights have a potential impact on the freedoms of American gun owners and the gun industry, but what makes H.R. 4380 different from most of those pieces of legislation is that it will be significant before it even passes.

According to https://www.govtrack.us/ only 11% of bills introduced in the previous legislative session have made it passed committee, while a meager 2% actually were signed into law. The legislative tracking site gives H.R. 4380 a 9% chance of making it past committee, and a lofty 2% probability of being signed.

H.R. 4380 is the Gun Confiscation and Registration Prevention Act.

Read full story here

Source: Communities Digital News


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