A Yellow Cat Is Not A Mud Cat

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The flathead is the second largest species in North America and is a straight up predator that feeds mostly at night.

Regional names give rise to confusion among anglers in terms of identifying fish. A prime example is the term yellow cat which some anglers confuse with the yellow bulkhead or “mud cat”.

To clear up this particular point of confusion we have included the state’s official profile of both varieties of whiskerface.

Flathead Catfish

The flathead is the second largest species in North America and is a straight up predator that feeds mostly at night.

Regional Names: Yellow Cat, Opelousa Cat, Op, Pied Cat, Mississippi Cat, Mud Cat, Shovelhead Cat

Description: As the common name suggests, this catfish has a flat head, but other than that, it looks like any other catfish: it has smooth, scaleless skin, whisker-like barbels around the mouth, and long spines on the dorsal (back) fin and one on each side of the pectoral (shoulder) fin. Flathead catfish reach a length of 3 to 4 feet and their weight can exceed 100 pounds. Flathead catfish are typically pale yellow (hence the name “yellow cat”) to light brown on the back and sides, and highly mottled with black and/or brown. The belly is usually pale yellow or cream colored. The head is broadly flattened, with a projecting lower jaw. The tail fin is only slightly notched, not deeply forked as is the case with blue and channel catfish. Young fish may be very dark, almost black in appearance.

Biology: Unlike other catfish which are scavengers, flatheads prey only on live fish. Young flathead catfish feed mostly on invertebrates such as worms, insects and crayfish. When 10 inches or larger, their diet consists entirely of fish: shad, carp, suckers, sunfish, largemouth bass and other catfish (including their own kind).

TFG Commentary: This species has received huge national press since shows like “Hillbilly Handfishing” hit a few years ago. “Noodling” of flatheads has become popular but most large specimens are caught on trotlines. There are likely massive flatheads in small canals, oxbows and rivers that are never caught due to a lack of angling pressure. Rod and reel anglers would do well to hit their local waterways at night when flatheads are most active and seek out these giants.

Bullhead (Mud Cat)

(Black and Yellow both live in Texas)

Regional Names: Mudcat, Polliwog, Chucklehead Cat

Description: Yellow bullheads are typically light yellow to olive-green on the back, often somewhat mottled. The belly is yellowish to white. The tail is not notched, and may be slightly rounded. Chin barbels are white. The anal fin has 23-27 rays. Black bullheads are typically black to greenish-black on the back, ranging to gray or white on the belly. However, in muddy water the back may be yellowish-brown. Chin barbels are dark or black, never white. The anal fin has 17-21 rays.

Biology:  During late spring or early summer, yellow bullheads excavate nests in mud bottoms and spawn. Both parents guard the nest, which may contain 2,000 to 12,000 eggs.  Bullheads are omnivorous, feeding on a variety of plant and animal material, both live and dead. Immature aquatic insects and crustaceans often comprise a considerable proportion of the diet.

TFG Commentary: Most bullheads utilized in Texas are put on a hook on noodle or trotline to lure in flatheads. They are without question the best bait but this species is not bad to eat. If you can catch those 2-3 pounders there is actually enough meat for a nice meal and its not bad especially if caught in clean water.

TF&G Staff


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