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October 28, 2020
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October 29, 2020

Spadefish offer a rather unusual target for anglers looking for a new kind of challenge.

Most anglers despise spadefish because they rob bait intended for snapper with their tiny mouths and aggressive nature. That is a shame because I dare say spadefish is every bit as tasty as snapper. Well, maybe not quite as good as snapper but it’s really good nonetheless.

spadefish angler

Spadefish offer a rather unusual target for anglers looking for a new kind of challenge.

I love to fish for spades with a tiny hook or 1/6-ounce jig head fished under a ¼-ounce split shot and baited with shrimp. I fish this on a medium-action spinning rod but you might want to consider a heavy action rod. Spades turn on their sides when hooked and give an amazing fight for a small fish.

Spades are easy to find as they typically inhabit the upper part of the water column and will approach your boat out of curiosity. I like to take along some shredded pieces of menhaden and throw a few pieces overboard to get them into a feeding frenzy. Spades will also take flies and present an exciting challenge for anglers looking more to battle with a fish than eat it.

If you are looking for big spadefish, keep your eye on the platform legs of the rig about eight feet down. The bigger spades tend to be shyer and are not as aggressive.

If it is possible to get live shrimp, send down one a free-line and there is a good chance you will bag one if a big sheepshead does not get it first.

Chester Moore

a medium-action spinning rod but you might want to consider a heavy action rod. Spades turn on their sides when hooked and give an amazing fight for a small fish.

Spades are easy to find as they typically inhabit the upper part of the water column and will approach your boat out of curiosity. I like to take along some shredded pieces of menhaden and throw a few pieces overboard to get them into a feeding frenzy. Spades will also take flies and present an exciting challenge for anglers looking more to battle with a fish than eat it.

If you are looking for big spadefish, keep your eye on the platform legs of the rig about eight feet down. The bigger spades tend to be shyer and are not as aggressive.

If it is possible to get live shrimp, send down one a free-line and there is a good chance you will bag one if a big sheepshead does not get it first.


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