Executive Order On Redfish?

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Redfish are on the menu of Gulf great whites.

In our series of articles on the impacts of the 2020 election on the Second Amendment, we have discussed how executive orders can have an impact on gun ownership.

Executive orders can also have an impact on fishing and fisheries.

For example, did you know President George W. Bush made an executive order in relation to redfish?

Executive Order 13449 protected redfish and striped bass in the “exclusive economic zone” or in federal waters of the Gulf and Atlantic.

It shall be the policy of the United States to conserve striped bass and red drum for the recreational, economic, and environmental benefit of the present and future generations of Americans, based on sound science and in cooperation with State, territorial, local, and tribal governments, the private sector, and others, as appropriate.

…to revise current regulations, as appropriate, to include prohibiting the sale of striped bass and red drum caught within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States off the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.

President Bill Clinton issue Executive Order 12962 designed to enhance fisheries habitat and participation in recreational fishing opportunities. It set out to do the following…

…identifying recreational fishing opportunities that are limited by water quality and habitat degradation and promoting restoration to support viable, healthy, and, where feasible, self-sustaining recreational fisheries and fostering sound aquatic conservation and restoration endeavors to benefit recreational fisheries;
…providing access to and promoting awareness of opportunities for public participation and enjoyment of U.S. recreational
fishery resources;
…supporting outreach programs designed to stimulate angler participation in the
conservation and restoration of aquatic systems.

Clinton also expanded “Marine Protected Areas” or “No Fishing Zones” that have an impact on both recreational and commercial fishing in ocean waters by Executive Order 13158.

President Barrack Obama signed Executive Order 13547, entitled “Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes.”

This order according to Wikipedia created a policy framework for integrated marine spatial planning at the sub-national level as well as a national ocean council, a cabinet-level forum to coordinate policy under the nation’s domestic and international rules for the oceans.

President Trump has used executive orders to roll back some of the commercial fishing protections off Northwest Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument in the Atlantic and also sped up the process for marine aquaculture permitting. We will be investigating the marine aquaculture issue and hope to have an in-depth story on it some time in December.

What do you think about Presidents using executive orders in relation to fishing? What are your concerns?

TF&G Staff


1 Comment

  1. Randolph Holford says:

    Obviously Presidents can and do initiate executive orders on anything but your question is should they. My initial response is no since I believe the executive order has been over used to circumvent the congressional process. It’s about much more than fishing or hunting, it’s about our lives as Americans.