Be Mindful Of Coyotes, Hogs During Floods

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The incredible amount of water put onto the landscape by hurricanes whether it comes from storm surge or rain, has a huge impact on wildlife.

There are two animals in particular that are extremely abundant along the Gulf Coast. Those are coyotes and feral hogs. Most of the time coyotes are not a problem for people but when frightened and hungry threats can go up. Coyotes are also a rabies vector and can carry distemper so caution is wise for pet owners.

If you are in an impacted area consider the following to avoid coyote contact:

*Keep garbage inside or at least keep the lid on your cans.

*Feed your dogs and cats inside.

*Do not attempt to feed coyotes or any stray dog you might come across. Some have problems distinguishing dogs and coyotes.

*If your dog has to go walk it on a leash and keep walks short and away from any wooded areas or cover.

These areas are also home to lots of feral hogs.

Feral hogs can be much more aggressive than coyotes especially when stressed and may be brazen enough to walk through parks, neighborhoods and yards as if they own the place. During Hurricane Harvey in 2017 there were many hogs in urban areas as far north as The Woodlands.

If you see a hog during these flooding conditions chances are it it not someone’s pet. And while they are not out to get anyone, they have no problem letting someone feel their wrath if cornered.

Do not approach any hog at any time.

TF&G Staff


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