Black Coyote In Broad Daylight (Video)

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Coyotes are the most common large predator in the United States.

With populations everywhere from Yellowstone National Park to Central Park in New York City, they are highly adaptable creatures.

In fact, the Navajo people have a tradition that coyotes would be the last animal on Earth.

Black (melanistic) coyotes are super rare and we have an exclusive video of one sent to us by our friend and research partner Todd Jurasek.

He has been getting some incredible trail camera videos of bears and bobcats in southern Oklahoma.

Now, he sends us this beautiful, black coyote in broad daylight.

Check it out below.

Chester Moore



  1. William Thompson Higgins says:

    Oh no! Do you realize how many Black Labs will be shot now that this video has been seen.

  2. Chief says:

    While deer hunting in south west Arkansas last year, I watched a totally black coyote on a deer trail. I was sitting on the side of a ridge, by a creek and the coyote made its way down the trail, stopping directly below me to drink out of the creek. Most of the time that I viewed this animal it was in plain sight and well within gun range. I totally forgot I had my cell phone and could have easily taken a video. I decided to just observe the animal and not shoot it. My only regret was that I did not get a video. I had been told of other sightings of a black dog in this area but this is the first time I saw one. The total viewing time was about 5 or 6 minutes and a sighting I will never forget. I was hunting not far from south east Oklahoma and wonder if this was the same black dog that was sighted on the Jurasek video.