MIDDLE COAST FOCUS September/October 2023

LOWER COST FOCUS September/October 2023
August 24, 2023
UPPER COAST FOCUS September/October 2023
August 24, 2023

Time for Everything to Cool Off



Email Richard Thompson at RandKCoastalOutfitters@gmail.com

Online: RandKCoastalOutfitters.com


LISTEN: (3 Min, 31 Sec)


THE SUMMER CROWDS and holidays that bring more than usual fishing pressure are gone as the dog days of summer are over. As we take a huge sigh of relief from the harsh summer heat, before the snow birds arrive, and the kiddos have gone back to school we greatly anticipate the first cool front of the year to blow through. We know this is the catalyst for the fall fishing patterns to begin. 

As the first cold front of the year blows through, it provides instant relief as we start seeing changes in the environment, the fish do too. The temperatures begin to drop, this triggers new feeding patterns. Typically, during the summer months, your upper slot Reds will be on the flats foraging in pairs or in smaller schools of fish. As the water temperature cools, they congregate in more confined areas as do the bait fish which is always the name of the game. 

Our strategy during this time of year is to accommodate the patterns and movements of the Redfish. One of our most common practices is wading the shallow flats as we patiently wait for signs of schooling Redfish and or tailing Redfish. Another one of our go to methods is drifting the flats, as we are looking for signs of wakes and nervous water and sometimes you can see them if the water clarity is good and you can sight cast right in front of them. It’s one of the most adrenaline, heart pumping moments, as it’s all about seeing the fish devour your lure that you cast perfectly in its sight. Our go to set up for this type of fishing is a Laguna Custom Rod paired with a Down South Lure “Bone Diamond” combo. Our friend Mike Bosse, with Down South Lures, produces some of the best swim baits in the market for this type of fishing. 

Many of these areas along Mustang Island provide these types of flats and the opportunities to target Redfish with these patterns.

We are going to pump the breaks for a moment and talk about the elephant in the room. Did you know that Texas has its own running of the Bulls? This time of year is the beginning of the fall migration of Bull Reds headed to the Gulf for their annual spawning routines. Wow, so how does one have an opportunity to partake in all this jam-packed fun adventure? As they are moving through the passes of Packery Channel and Port Aransas jetties, you can have your opportunity to catch these bruisers and get in on all the fun as they are cruising through the passes following the migrating bait along the beaches as they are running up and down the surf. One must be prepared when landing one of these awesome mature Reds. Typically, this is a catch and release event. Best practices, as these guys are the main patriarchs and producers of their species and ensure that they reach their final destination to the spawning grounds. 

As usual, we want to again give you a friendly reminder from one fishermen to another, always check your tide tables, follow your major and minor feed times, as we believe it will increase your chances of catching fish and landing that personal best. We would love to have you come join us this fall as the fishing is going to be incredible.

We will hook YOU up!

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