December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023



Email Eddie Hernandez at ContactUs@fishgame.com

Patience in the Cold


LISTEN: (2Min, 58 Sec)


ONE OF THE MOST important characteristics that all successful anglers have in common is that of patience. It is a key ingredient to successful angling. Mixed with confidence, knowledge, skill and luck, a little patience can definitely go a long way. 

This is never more true than in the cold months. January and February routinely produce some of our biggest trout of the year here on Sabine. A good majority of these trout, for the most part, are ones that you are not going to catch if you don’t have patience….lots of it. 

When fishing for cold water trophy trout, you have to be disciplined enough to grind it out for hours hoping for one or two big bites. 

Fish dropoffs and cuts that are holding bait. Mullet and mud are two of the key components when hunting wintertime trophy trout. Set up in areas that you know have a nice hard mud bottom near a good dropoff or drain and match the hatch by using mullet imitation plugs.

Keep the depth between four and eight feet and work these areas thouroughly to cover as much water as possible. Wading is never a bad idea whent he water temperature drops as “old man winter” is breathing down your neck.

These fish are lethargic and it is important to take your time when presenting your lure to them. They are not feeding as often as they will in the warmer months, but they still need to eat. They just want it big and they want it slow.

One of the most common mistakes some people make in cold water is working their bait too fast. I like to tell my clients that if they think they’re working it too slow, they may want to try slowing down a little more. The trout’s metabolism is down in the chilly water and they are not feeding aggressively. They are just looking for a meal, and the easier the better.

Slow sinking plugs like Mirr O Lure Catch 2000, Catch V and Corky’s are very effective. Let the bait do its job and sink slowly. Give it a couple of very light twitches, then give it time to make another slow descent.

Some fishermen don’t twitch it at all. They just give the reel about 1/4 of a turn, then let it sink and do it again. Natural colors work well, as do lighter colors depending on the water clarity.

Good colors are bone and chrome/chartreuse. You never know which one they want, but I sometimes think it depends on which one crosses their faces first. Make sure to experiment with different colors to figure them out.

Keep in mind it is wintertime, so come armed with lots of patience. It could be the difference maker between a successful or frustrating day.

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