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On Dec. 14, 2023, two hunters pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges for illegally taking two large antlered deer in an area closed to deer hunting in the town of Tonawanda. The investigation according to the New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation began Nov. 14, 2022, when ECO Mathis and the Tonawanda Police Department received separate calls about two suspicious men walking through the woods near the Raintree Apartments.

Hear the full details of the case from one of the game wardens involved with it on Higher Calling Wildlife.

A witness who is an avid hunter observed one of the subjects crouching in the woods behind his residence before hearing what he believed to be the snap of a bow discharge and an arrow strike a large 16-point buck that ran into his yard after being shot. The witness then observed a second subject taking pictures of the wounded deer with his cell phone.

Get the full story on HIgher Calling Wildlife here.


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